
The Circus Diaries is a wonderful oral history and photographic project documenting traditional Australian circus life from the 1920's to the present. Over the past three years I have travelled through much of Australia interviewing and photographing circus elders and families, and living with traditional circuses.

The Circus Diaries is a PhD project in partnership with The Australian Centre of Melbourne University and the Performing Arts Collection of the Arts Centre, Victoria.The Circus Diaries exhibition opened at the George Adams Gallery of the Arts Centre, 100 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne, on May 18th, and ran till July 15th, 2007. The exhibition was an outcome from my Australian Circus Oral History PhD research and features photographs by Cal MacKinnon. To see some of Cal's contemporary images from The Circus Diaries exhibition, please click on the link to her website on the right.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cirque du New Orleans

I'm packing my bags for New Orleans. I'm off to the American Popular Culture Association conference, to meet up with a grab bag of American circus researchers, and find out all about those three ring spectaculars. Might even get to see one if I'm lucky.. although time will be short.

Then I'm off to Las Vegas to visit my mates, Julie Macinnes (cellist and vocalist, ex-musical director of Circus Oz) and composer and pianist, Janine de Lorenzo, both musicians with KA by Cirque du Soleil. I'm gonna see what kinda show I could make if I had a budget of squillions and a whole casino to play in!

Then it's off to see another mate Patricia Murphy in Los Angeles.

1 comment:

Peter McGregor said...
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